03 5902 7080

Mon - Fri 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Working Hours

03 5902 7080

Mon - Fri 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Working Hours




Funding Made Easier J&J Plan Managers

Plan Management is a financial administration service available to National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants. This service assists participants through financial management of their claims and payments for disability support. All eligible NDIS participants are entitled to receive Plan Management within an NDIS plan and the service is a funded support. There is no out-of-pocket expense for participants. NDIS communicates with us about the participant’s invoices, payment requests, and pays it through to us and we manage it just for our participants.

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Without a plan manager, your operations may be inconsistent, responsibilities might be unclear. That is why we, J&J Plan Managers have been focusing explicitly more on this aspect just to provide a better and more independent life to our participants.

Plan management can support participants by:

  • Managing and monitoring a participant’s budget
  • Managing a participant’s NDIS claims and disbursing funds to providers for services delivered
  • Providing regular statements to a participant to show the financial status of their plan including prompt notification of over or under utilization
  • Offering increased choice and control to a participant over plan implementation and utilization.

Plan managers at J&J Plan Managers provide information and advice to participants about the management of their NDIS funding to purchase support in accordance with a participant’s plan budget.

We work with participants to define how they will manage their funds. This includes defining the invoice authorization process and keeping full, accurate records of required evidence (such as invoices) and information needed to monitor and make a claim for funds from a participant’s plan.

We also provide a participant with regular (at least monthly) reports of plan expenditure and the balance of funds remaining in a participant’s plan. Plan managers at J&J alert a participant of any risks associated with plan spending on services that will exceed a participant’s NDIS plan limit or paying for support and services not funded by the NDIS in a participant’s plan.


Can Be Managed In A Number Of Ways:

Self Managed

This is when a participant manages their NDIS plan funds. The NDIS will reimburse a participant for the NDIS support received

Agency Managed

This is when a participant chooses to use the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to manage their NDIS funds. The NDIA will directly pay registered providers of relevant services on behalf of a participant.

Plan Managed

This is when a participant chooses to use a plan management provider who will assist a participant with managing their NDIS plan funds. Plan management providers can purchase support on behalf of participants from registered and non-registered providers. A plan manager will receive funds from the NDIA and disburse funds on behalf of a participant

Wanna Talk To Us?

Feel free to ask anything related to your plan. We’re super happy to talk to you.


  • Discussion about a participant’s goals as stated in the NDIS plan
  • Provide information about respective responsibilities to ensure supports obtained are aligned with a participant’s NDIS plan
  • Confirm that there is enough NDIS money in a participant's plan for supports
  • Agree on a preferred method of invoicing and/or how receipts for reimbursement are exchanged
  • Obtain a participant’s preferences regarding visibility over provider invoices sent to a plan manager
  • Walkthrough a plan manager’s process for receiving and managing invoices
  • Outline responsibilities of a participant and plan management provider for ongoing monitoring and management of plan budget
  • Provide information about established dispute resolution processes
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At J & J Plan Managers, it is important for a participant and their plan management provider to discuss and agree on how they would like their NDIS funded support to be managed. Our plan manager before starting up things will have a discussion with the participant to have a clear understanding of how a participant wants to have invoices delivered to their plan management provider along with how, when, and in what circumstances they would like to authorize claiming and payment for support.

Our plan management providers discuss their own roles and responsibilities, in addition to those of the participant, regarding the engagement and payment of support. This includes the plan management provider’s role of ensuring supporters adhere to the NDIS Price Guide and are in alignment with the scope of the NDIS plan. Our plan manager also advises a participant if our company cannot pay for support and services not funded by the NDIS out of their plan. These arrangements are also reflected in the service agreement between the plan management provider and the participant.